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Honest Employee Feedback | Retention Techniques

Honest Employee Feedback & Retention Techniques

Foster a positive work environment with open feedback and retention strategies that keep your top talent engaged and motivated.

Honest Employee Feedback?

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Learn more about how you can use honest employee feedback to grow your business.

Honest Feedback From Employees

Employees are fearful about giving honest feedback to their managers or business owners. The last thing they want to do is offend you.

Whether you’re running a multi-million dollar company or just starting out, your employees are the backbone of your business operations.  As a business owner, one of the most important things you can do to create an optimal work environment is to make sure that your employees are satisfied with their jobs along with listening to their feedback to better your business operations including sales and lead conversions. While it’s always good to hear when people are enjoying what they do, it’s even more important to know when someone isn’t happy with the way things are going. If you don’t listen to honest feedback from your employees, there’s no way you can fix anything that needs to be fixed so you can grow as a business in the long run. However, it is impossible to get honest feedback from employees without taking certain measures in order to make them feel comfortable with providing it.  The only way to continue getting honest feedback is by creating an action plan to deal with the issues presented.  Fear and futility are the two largest reasons employees will not share their honest opinions.

The first thing you need to know is when you tell your employees you want honest feedback and “that no matter what they say it will not be looked at negatively” by you the business owner – they will most likely not believe you and still tell you what they think you want to hear.  At best, they will give you basic feedback and play it as safely as possible.  

The only way to grow and improve is by learning from your mistakes—and those of others. But employees tend not to provide honest feedback out of fear for losing their jobs or offending management leading to an unfriendly work environment. Acknowledging these fears isn’t a reason not to ask for feedback; rather, it should be a motivator.  However as a business owner it is important you figure out a smart way to get honest feedback from your staff without them having fear of any long term negative actions by you or management.  

Although you likely would never do that, it is still a fear most employees have because they depend on the job and most importantly want to keep their employer happy.  As the business owner it is your job to figure out a way to get actual honest feedback from your employees – the best way to do it is by hiring a company to conduct anonymous interviews with your employees so they are assured what they say will not cause negative effects on them.  We are experts in dealing with staff training along with figuring out what their answers typically mean for your business along with exactly how to address those issues.  Business owners know their business quite well – the day to day operations might be something you do not know as much as you think at least when it comes to flaws.  It is natural for employees to be afraid to share honest feedback and as a business owner you should not put them in a position where they cannot give feedback honestly.  

Also, as a business owner you should truly want their best and most honest feedback – no matter how critical it is because it will help you improve your business operations, client conversion and profitability.  Hire a professional to help you – it is a worthwhile investment for your business.  SayWhat Consulting can assist you. 

There are numerous reasons you want to get actual honest feedback from your employees.  The first and most important is because as a business owner you want your employees to be happy and know that you care.   It is also quite important for keeping employee turnover as low as possible.  An added benefit is the improvement of your businesses day to day operations, profitability and growth.  

The factors you learn about your day to day business operations are invaluable.  There are numerous things clients learn from employees that give honest feedback.  Here is some of the most common feedback heard from employees.  Of course this varies company by company but should give you an idea of the value their honest feedback is for your long term success.  

1.  Constantly Changing Priorities – This is important for you to know because like you – nobody can focus 100% of their efforts if priorities change half way through the process.   This also results in people feeling unimportant and used, which makes them feel less inclined to be part of your company. It creates an unstable work environment which again impacts your employees and leaves them wanting out sooner than later.  Employees want to accomplish and succeed for you but expect you to make reaching those goals easier, not more difficult.  

2.  Leads Not Being Properly Managed – This is very common for any business and also specifically for anyone on commission.   Losing good leads because of mismanagement of those leads leaves your team frustrated with nothing to show for their efforts.  The most common issue in small businesses is the distribution of leads.  A common complaint is that the person answering the phone calls does not prioritize sales leads or qualify the person calling.  

3. Phones Not Being Answered – This is so common!  Employees hate having to cover for others often because that person is not doing their job for one reason or another.  A common complaint is having to answer phone calls because the receptionist is either busy working on another project or because you have understaffed that position.  Any employee that is working on a project and then has to stop abruptly, change their thinking to answer questions from a phone call is going to be irritated, work slowly and produce at a lower level.  The issue with that for you is it lowers productivity and sets unrealistic expectations for your employees.  

4. Boss Playing Favorites – Everyone wants a chance at a promotion and everyone wants to be respected for their work. A common complaint is when they feel someone else in another department gets preferential treatment because of not only their rank but also favoritism from management, especially if that person reports directly to the boss or the head manager. 

5. Business Operations – When employees are asked specific questions about business operations and how things can be improved – they are more likely to answer the question honestly if they feel it is anonymous feedback.   This is the most important part of the process because they deal with the issues day in and day out – so they likely have thought about ways to make their jobs easier.  Asking will lead to them telling you their thoughts and most of the time they have the best insight.  This will go for all employees in all departments.  

These are just a few examples of the importance of getting honest feedback from your employees.  There are literally a dozen other viable and beneficial reasons for you to make this a top priority.  It will increase your revenue and improve your day to day operations – and lead to a happier workforce. It is a great investment both in the short and long term for your business.  

The only effective way to get real insight from your employees is to hire a company to perform anonymous interviews with your staff.  There are numerous methods however that you can try but there are issues with many of them which will limit your potential of getting actual feedback versus getting what you want to hear or what they perceive they want you to hear.  Here are a few options along without thoughts. 

1.  Ask Employees for Their Opinions – The biggest issue with this is that employees, no matter what they say, will not feel comfortable being 100% honest when it comes to advice on how to better your business. It is intimidating for them and the safest move for them is to say everything is great or come up with a very minor and easy to fix issue.  They don’t want to offend you.  They want to please you and also understand that you, as you should, take your business personal and it is a major part of your life.  Employees never want to take the risk of accidentally offending their boss or the business owner. 


2. Online Surveys – Both of these methods are outdated and employees do not trust them.  The first reason is anyone with any online knowledge knows that every single thing online can be tracked.  There is immediate doubt that even if it is said to be anonymous, is it?  This is to the point that if they had something vital to share with the business that might get someone else in trouble, could they trust it would never get back to them digitally?  Online surveys are effective to poll your staff on what lunch choices are or if they prefer a large Christmas Party or an expensive dinner etc.  It should not be used for something as important as this.

3. Focus on Creating a Company Culture of Open Communication – This is not as simple as it sounds but also not as hard as it can be made out to be. Every company, like every family has its ups and downs but it is important as a business owner you instill a company culture of open communication.  After following this for a good amount of time, it will be easier to get constructive criticism from employees and easier for them to explain their thinking.  However, the best way to implement this is by using an outside company a few times to get honest feedback followed by you the business owner taking actions to show that you are listening to their ideas. Likely, you can then go to monthly meetings and will not have a need for the third party service any longer.  

4.  Build Trust with Your Employees –  This takes time and effort and you as a business owner will need to make a concerted effort to show employees that they can trust you and if they feel uncomfortable saying something because of repercussions, they can rely on you protecting them from those repercussions. They need to know there is no such thing as a stupid question or an unwise idea as long as it comes from an honest place inside their heart with the intentions of creating a better work environment or direction for the company.  Again, the easiest way to build trust is by using a third party company to anonymously interview your employees and from there you take action on those ideas and comments. If you do not take action then you will lose their trust.  


5. Company Meetings Encouraging Open Discussion – As a business owner it is important that your employees know that you want open communication throughout the office and also that your door is always open for new ideas, constructive criticism and anything else.  The small amount of time you invest in listening to your employees will pay dividends long term.  

It is your responsibility to take action on the information that is presented to you from your employees through the truly anonymous interviews.  Here is the process we suggest.  After all of the interviews are complete SayWhat Consulting will review in detail everything said including detailed notes.  We will then provide you, the business owner, with a report that goes into detail about everything said during the interviews. We will also create an action plan for you for anything we feel or you feel should be changed.  The most important step of the process is the follow up meeting with your staff.  

During this meeting you will share with your staff issues presented during the interview process and explain any changes that are coming. It is important to explain exactly what your plans are for implementation along with how it will be done. If you are unsure exactly how to implement the change, ask for advice from your employees – they likely have been thinking about this issue much longer than you.  The trust built doing this is gigantic and your employees do appreciate it.  It also will only improve your business.  It is also important to mention things that you decided to not change at this time and explain your reasoning, be it budget or future plans – the  important thing is you are acknowledging the idea and usually a simple explanation of why it is not feasible is understandable by your employees.  

Here is an example of a great way to approach an upcoming change during the meeting. “During the interview process I learned that numerous employees are forced to manage the phones which is hurting productivity. That makes sense to me so to help the current receptionist out because we are so busy I have decided to immediately hire someone else to assist.”  To further gain trust, it might be best to finish that section asking if they know anyone looking for a job that would be a great fit, to let you know.  Word of Mouth hires are always the best so it handles two issues at once and they appreciate your trust in their recommendations.   

There are numerous benefits to knowing what your employees think, giving them a real opportunity to share their thoughts anonymously and acting on those ideas.  There is a laundry list of reasons you should do it – here are a few.  

1. Employees will be invested in your business:  Not just because they’re getting paid. They’ll want what’s best for it and, chances are, they’ll become more interested and invested in their work as a result. When they feel that you are listening to their ideas and acting on them chances are high they will be more vested in the success of your business.  

2. It shows you Care:  It shows employees you care about them as people – not just cogs in a machine. Not only will they like you more because of it (and like working at your company), but they’ll take ownership of their jobs knowing you trust them enough to ask for feedback.

3. It will improve your daily business operations:  There’s no way to know if you’re doing something right until you know what’s wrong – and asking for feedback provides insight into all areas of your business, including processes, policies, people, and products. If something is broken (or not working), chances are someone in your company knows it (if they’re willing to tell you).  It is your job to make sure they are comfortable telling you.

4. Helps you identify and retain top talent: When employees feel like they are part of a team working toward a common goal, they’re more invested in that mission and happier on a day-to-day basis. And that’s attractive to candidates looking for their next job – which means your reputation precedes you when it comes time to hire new people.

5. Increases Profitability:  Happier employees and better internal operations will increase your profits.  There is no doubt about that at all.  It is such a good investment in the future of your company and such an easy step to implement.  

There are numerous other measurable benefits to your company including increased productivity, lower employee turnover, increased brand awareness, better marketing, high conversion for leads and so much more.   

There are many reasons that you want a company to perform a truly anonymous interview on your behalf. The main reason is that it gives your employees the benefit of knowing that it is a third-party that will and is dedicated to keeping their comments anonymous.  

Say What Marketing & Consulting provides anonymous interviews for your employees including coming up with the specific questions in order to obtain the most information possible to better your business.  This also allows us to gauge the overall satisfaction of your employees. It is important for you to note as a business owner that we will not share the identity of who made which particular comment. This is important for you to understand from the start because we will keep it truly anonymous and this is the only way it will be effective for you.

We are experts at writing and asking questions along with interviewing employees to dig down and figure out exactly what issues they have with your company and where they think your company can improve your business operations, sales lead conversion and overall business growth.

It is common for business owners to think that everything is going fine and there are no internal issues that you are not aware of. In actuality that is rarely true because employees typically are worried to share honest feedback because they are worried about offending the business owner or their direct manager.

Upon completion of interviewing all your employees, we provide you with a very detailed report covering all of the issues discussed along with action plans that you can choose to follow in order to resolve those issues.   Business owners we work with are constantly surprised by the effectiveness of the changes requested by their employees because they only make the business operations move smoother and increase profitability.

We also highly suggest that our clients upon reviewing the report that they have a companywide meeting discussing all aspects of the report. We suggest doing it over lunch so maybe order pizzas for the office and spend 30 to 45 minutes discussing their ideas and your plans for implementation.  We make it clear to the employees during the interview process that all ideas will be considered but at this stage we will focus on what will improve overall employee morale and the day-to-day business operations. We can also make it clear to your employees that everything will be revisited annually or every six months depending on what you want.

We hope that you choose to use Say What Marketing & Consulting and we are very confident that we can exceed your expectations and that this process will be very beneficial both in the short and long term for your company. Contact Us Today

Common employee complaints | Employee retention

Employees of your company spend at least 8 hours a day devoted to improving your business. Here are some of the most common complaints businesses get from employees which if go unresolved result in turnover, loss of employee production and the high cost of having to hire and retain new employees. 

Lack of communication in the workplace can happen for a variety of reasons, but the negative impact on employees is the same every time. In a workplace where employees feel that they are not heard, do not have a say in their work, or are kept in the dark about company plans or initiatives, they become less engaged, less productive, and less likely to stay with the company for the long haul. Employees who feel undervalued, unimportant, or unloved in their jobs are likely to look for work elsewhere. To avoid this, businesses must make sure that they are communicating with their employees regularly, clearly, and from the heart. Providing regular feedback and letting employees know how they’re helping the company achieve its goals can go a long way toward boosting morale and keeping people in their jobs long term. Additionally, businesses must be sure to let their employees know how much they value them as individuals. 

People don’t just work for money – they also work to feel respected and appreciated. There are several ways that companies can improve their internal communications with employees, such as holding town hall meetings, setting up an intranet site, or even emailing employees about new initiatives and changes in the company. Setting up an intranet site or creating a company blog where employees can share their thoughts and ideas can be a great way for employees to communicate with each other. Setting up a suggestion box where employees can submit ideas for new products or changes to current products can also be a great way for employees to communicate with each other. Obviously, there are dozens of effective ways to improve communication in your business but it has to fit your company culture!

Vagueness refers to the lack of specificity in the description of an employee’s job. Every job description must be detailed enough to outline the necessary tasks, responsibilities, and expectations of the position. With vagueness in employee roles, it becomes difficult to understand what is expected of them, and they are likely to struggle in their work. Vague job descriptions can cause a lot of frustration for employees, and they can also cause problems for managers who are trying to evaluate their employees’ performance. Having a clear understanding of what is expected of them will enable employees to do their jobs better.  It also makes it easier for managers to provide feedback if roles are vague. To avoid problems with vague job descriptions, you can use a job description template. Many jobs have a similar set of responsibilities, so it’s likely that your company already has a standard job description. However, if you find that a standard job description doesn’t fit the position, you can customize it to fit the needs of the company and the person filling the position. A good job description should include a detailed list of responsibilities, a detailed description of the requirements for the job, and any reporting relationships. A detailed description of the requirements for the job is essential if you have multiple candidates applying for one position. To prevent turnover, every person applying for a job should know what is expected of them to both maintain it and grow within the company. This information should be detailed and thorough, with examples if applicable. A good hiring process is essential, but even hiring the right person is not enough. A detailed job description can help you retain valuable employees by helping them understand what you expect from them. This also helps new employees feel more comfortable and settled in their new role, which can reduce turnover risk.

When a boss shows favoritism toward one employee over another, it can create discord in the workplace. Favoritism is often unintentional, but it can still cause issues among employees. Bosses should make sure to treat each employee fairly and avoid showing favoritism as best they can. There are several ways to prevent favoritism in the workplace, and they all start with awareness. If you notice that you are showing favoritism, try to correct your behavior. You can also try to prevent it by avoiding certain situations. For example, try not to schedule meetings with certain employees more often than others. This can cause issues and make other employees feel unimportant. If you work with a team, try to make sure that everyone has a fair share of tasks. Favoritism can be shown through things like giving an employee a bigger raise than others or giving an employee a promotion over someone else who might have deserved it more. An employee who feels ignored or disrespected by a boss who showed favoritism might start to resent their boss and the company they work for. When a boss shows favoritism towards one employee over another, it can create discord in the workplace. Showing favoritism can lead to trouble in the workplace, so bosses should try to prevent it whenever possible. One great way of understanding if you are showing favoritism, along with any other issues you may not know about is by getting Honest Employee Feedback from your employees.

Supervisors have a responsibility to their team and the company as a whole to make sure they are getting feedback, getting involved, and helping their team members grow and develop. Unfortunately, it’s all too common to see supervisors taking credit for their team members’ ideas, which is a serious problem that can harm both the individual and the team as a whole. If a supervisor is taking credit for their team members’ ideas and accomplishments, this can cause resentment and hurt feelings. It also sends the message that the supervisor is not interested in the opinions of their team members or the team as a whole. This can cause problems because employees will feel like their ideas are not welcome and will be less likely to share them in the future. Another problem with this sort of behavior is that it can lead to employees going around their supervisors or keeping information from them altogether. This is problematic because it means that supervisors will lose out on important information they need to do their jobs effectively. These types of behaviors are often rooted in insecurity so it’s important to address them early on rather than letting them fester. However, it is also important for the employee to understand the risks that supervisors and managers take with bringing forward a new idea because they are ultimately responsible for its success or failure. For this reason, managers need to cultivate a culture where employees feel comfortable bringing forward new ideas and experimenting with new ways of doing things. This can be done by creating an environment where employees feel like their ideas matter and are heard, providing feedback on why an idea didn’t work, and encouraging team members to try new things with the understanding that they may not work. By creating an environment where employees feel comfortable experimenting with new ideas, managers can increase the likelihood that one of those experiments will be the next big thing for the company. It is important as well to remember whose idea it was when it was successful so they get due credit on their new thinking for your business. 

Supervisors who don’t give feedback are missing out on an opportunity to help an employee grow and develop into a better worker. Giving your employees feedback allows you to help them improve in areas where they might be struggling, allowing them to become more productive, efficient workers. When a supervisor doesn’t give constructive criticism or feedback, they are essentially shutting off opportunities for growth at work which will hurt both the individual and the team as a whole over time. Giving regular feedback and actively listening to any concerns your team members might have is an important part of fostering a climate of trust and respect in your work environment, as well as helping team members improve their performance and advance their careers. Regular feedback also lets your team members know that they are valued and that you trust them enough to let them do their jobs without excessive oversight. This helps you retain more employees for a longer period because they are and feel valuable to your company. 

Employee Retention is the process of keeping employees in a company or organization. Employee retention is an important consideration for companies, as a high rate of employee turnover can be costly. This can be measured by the cost of replacing workers and their capabilities, as well as the amount of time required to find and train replacements. The cost of replacing an employee can vary depending on whether they are skilled or unskilled, and whether they are temporary or permanent employees. It is generally easier to retain employees than recruit new ones, but it requires investment to keep them happy and productive. This can include offering competitive salaries and benefits packages, as well as providing professional development opportunities for workers who want to advance their careers within your organization. The most important method is giving them proper feedback on what they are doing right and anything that can be improved in their overall job performance. 

Spending too much time at work can cause stress and negatively impact your health, your relationship with your family and friends, and your overall well-being. It’s important to strike a healthy balance between the time you spend at work and the time you spend on other aspects of your life. Work/life balance is a key consideration for employees because when you’re overworked, you’re likely to be less productive and less efficient. It’s also important for employers to offer a healthy work/life balance to their employees because it can help to reduce staff turnover, increase employee engagement, and improve productivity. To create a healthy work/life balance, employers can start by considering how they can reduce the amount of stress in their employees’ lives. You can also create a work environment that encourages a healthy work/life balance. 

For example, offering flexible work schedules or remote work options can help to balance the needs of employees with their personal lives. Some companies have started offering more flexible hours, compressed workweeks, and remote work options to help their employees achieve a better work/life balance. Other companies have implemented policies that make it easier for employees to take time off when they have important responsibilities outside of work, such as attending a child’s school event, taking care of an elderly relative, or attending medical appointments. The benefits of offering a healthy work/life balance are just as important for the business as they are for the employees. It’s also important to consider how you can reduce stress in the workplace. Providing staff with the flexibility to manage their schedules improves overall engagement and productivity while decreasing absenteeism and staff turnover. As a business owner, you have the responsibility of making sure your employees are happy and productive. A positive work/life balance is one of the best ways to achieve this and it will greatly benefit your employees and your business.

Micromanagement is a term used to describe a leadership style that involves closely overseeing the work of employees. A micromanager closely monitors their employees’ performance and behavior, often to an excessive degree. A micromanager may also be referred to as an “over manager” or a “hand-holder.” Micromanagement can be detrimental to the success of your business and can negatively impact employee productivity and morale. Micromanagement is not limited to one particular industry; it can occur in any type of business, large or small. Micromanagement can negatively impact any type of business and can be avoided by setting clear expectations for employees and delegating tasks accordingly. To avoid micromanagement in your business, first, identify the signs that you are doing and then take steps to correct the behavior. There are several ways you can avoid being a micromanager in your business. It may help you think about how you would feel if you were an employee with your boss constantly watching over your shoulder or hovering over your desk for every move you make. 

Micromanagement is often a sign of a lack of trust in your employees, and it can create unnecessary tension and stress in the workplace. To avoid micromanaging your employees, you first have to identify the reasons why you are doing it in the first place. Maybe you are feeling pressure from above to close deals faster, or your company has a strict policy about documentation. Once you have identified the reason behind your tendency to micromanage, you can start to find ways to solve the problem rather than cause more tension in the workplace. One of the best ways to combat micromanagement is to start delegating tasks and responsibilities to your team that don’t require your hands-on oversight. You can also take steps to improve your communication skills, which will help you to avoid those ugly confrontations with your team members and soften the stress of the micromanagement you do have to do. Communication is a vital skill in any leadership position, and it is even more important when dealing with people you work with every day. Communication isn’t just what you say, but it’s also how you say it. You hired the employee because they could bring value to your business and it is important to remember that you can trust them to do the job right – and if you cannot then it is your job to train (not hover over them always) properly so they can perform their job well. 

Lack of career progression leads to low employee engagement, low productivity, and high staff turnover, which may lead to a decline in the quality of your company’s products or services. To develop your employees and retain them, you need to offer them opportunities for growth and advancement. There are many ways to enable career progression in your company. You can offer training and certifications, offer job rotations so that employees can try out different roles and see if any of them is a good fit for them, or offer internal or external job postings where your employees can apply for vacant positions. This can be done through training and skills development, assigning challenging projects, offering mentoring, and creating a culture of feedback. It also helps employees feel more engaged with the company and more likely to stay with the company if they feel they have a path to advancement. Many companies also offer mentoring programs as a way to help employees cultivate new skills and grow within their current roles. Mentoring programs are beneficial for both mentors and mentees. Mentors get the opportunity to share their expertise with others and learn how to communicate their knowledge. Mentees have the opportunity to learn from someone with more experience and build their capacity for the future. Providing your employees with a career path also helps with hiring. When people know they can advance, they are more likely to stay. In the process, you can also assess what skill sets and traits your current employees have that can be cultivated to help them advance. This can help you create a culture where people feel like they have a growth path. This will increase employee retention and a happier workforce!

Feeling respected, fairly compensated, and appreciated in your job are all very important to overall job satisfaction and employee engagement. Feeling that your efforts are not being recognized and appreciated by your company, manager, or colleagues can be extremely demotivating and even lead to employee disengagement. Feeling that you are not fairly compensated for your work and effort can cause a lot of stress and dissatisfaction and make you want to look for another job. Your employees need to be fairly compensated for the jobs that they perform and as a business owner, it is always easier to keep employees happy financially versus the high cost of having to replace them. A happy, financially secure employee is a loyal employee. To keep your employees financially secure, you will need to have a solid compensation plan in place. To put together a solid compensation plan you will need to consider things like job responsibilities, experience levels, and desired salary range for each position. When determining compensation you will also need to take into account things like benefits, vacation time, and sick days when coming up with a total package. This is one reason honest employee feedback is so important for your business. A good compensation plan will help motivate employees, keep them happy, and most importantly, keep them from looking for other jobs.

For many employees, health insurance is the most important benefit that you can provide. It can also be one of the most expensive. When designing a compensation package for your business, you need to take into account employee health insurance costs. Health insurance plans that are very good are seen as a gigantic benefit that not only attracts the top talent to your business but heavily increases employee retention. Good health insurance programs will provide you with ample coverage, a wide range of doctors, and a robust network of hospitals. The best health insurance plans will include things like vision and dental coverage as well. These are the types of benefits that employees want, and they will be more than happy to stay with your company if they receive them. Health insurance can be expensive for your business, but it’s essential for your employees and their families. You can help your employees get the most out of their health insurance by offering advice and guidance. Most insurance companies will offer helpful tools that you can share with your employees. Health benefits are a major benefit that can be used to incentivize employees to stay with your company and also for potential employees to join your company. 

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