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Call Audit & Monitoring: Boost Employee Training

Improve employee performance and service quality with effective call audits and monitoring techniques for targeted training and growth.

The Importance of Call Audits

Effectively training your staff in closing leads and customer service will play a significant role in improving your business operations.

Call Audits | Improve Customer Experience

Read in detail how effective call audits and monitoring combined with employee training can significantly improve customer relations.

More Productive and Profitable Business

Call Audits lead to your business becoming more productive, efficient and more profitable – with lower employee turnover.

Free 20 Minute Consultation

Learn if your business is a good fit for our Call Audit program and employee training. A quick call can better your business forever!

Call Audits | Effective Staff Training | INcrease Conversio


Have you ever wondered what your employees are doing when they’re answering the phone? If so, there are benefits to having your business calls audited by a third party.  This means that you have an independent party evaluate how well your employees are performing at handling customer inquiries over the phone. 

Call Audits give your business information about your employees’ effectiveness at converting leads, taking orders, customer service and more – so you can know if they need further training or if there’s something that’s preventing them from being successful at their jobs. The person answering your phone calls is the initial voice of your company that a client hears and it is important you know they are doing their job correctly.  This is true for all staff that communicates with any clients.  There are enormous benefits to your business which we will cover in detail below.

Call Audits are used as a very effective tool in order to evaluate how well your staff is performing on phone calls with clients.  This is ideal for any office setting where you have potential clients calling in to learn more about your service, schedule a consultation or anything else related to the sales process.  It also is used quite effectively in evaluating the level of customer service your business offers and how well your staff is answering questions from both new and potential clients.   

  We will cover numerous other reasons you need to have call audits for your business but first we will explain a few options you have. 

Option 1:  Recording Incoming Calls:  This is a simple option if you use a toll free number for your office and it is typically available with any phone company for any business phone number.  When a potential or current client calls into your business an automated voice answers and says “For Customer service reasons, this call may be recorded or monitored.”   This is standard across all industries and does not deter clients from calling your business.  The benefit of this option is our call audits can be with actual clients.  We would review calls for the past 21 days, and provide you a detailed report on each call, including what staff members answered, what they did right or wrong, improvements and we can assist you in making sure they are properly trained and focused on sales and customer service. 

Option 2: Call Audit Your Business: We have well trained staff that will call your office and audit your businesses handling of the calls.   The calls are recorded of course with your permission for training reasons.  The process is very simple and very effective.  Obviously we would not inform anyone prior to the calls and would call at random times in order to try to get as much staff variation as possible.  We typically will not even give the business owner’s the exact days or times because some owners/managers tend to hint to their employees to “be on top of it” today. You want to know what is wrong and not being done properly because it only will help your business by increasing sales and client retention.

Ideally, option 1 is the easiest and most effective because you can literally get a much larger scope of information because of the sheer volume of calls.  The change with your phone company is simple and the cost is minimal, especially considering the benefits it will produce. 

The largest benefit to your company is that it gives you a true gauge of how well your staff is handling incoming phone calls which can be from both leads and current clients.  This gives you a very good idea of the strengths and weaknesses of your staff and more importantly, how and what to train them in order to increase your sales and client retention.  Here is a list of 8 things that Call Audits will help you determine:

1.  Waiting Time on Hold:  Are your clients kept waiting too long before speaking to a live person? Are they put on hold unnecessarily? Is there an unreasonable amount of time between transfers? These are all things that you want to monitor, because these small problems will create frustration for both your current and potential clients.

2. How well is the caller treated?:  Call Audits allow you to hear how customers are being treated by your staff and you can improve their level of service by retraining them, giving them more support or even replacing employees that don’t meet your standards for treating clients with respect and professionalism.

3. Phone Call Transfers:  Are your employees failing to transfer calls to other appropriate people? Not asking callers if they need help or making suggestions based on their needs? Are your clients being placed on long holds while waiting to be transferred?  The biggest mistake is clients being transferred to someone that is away from their desk, and then automatically sent to voicemail without being notified in advance. 

4. Clear Communication:  Does your staff communicate clearly with clients?  Are they using correct grammar and spelling, as well as making sure they pronounce names properly? Are you able to understand what they are trying to tell you or do you have to ask them to repeat themselves over and over again because of poor communication skills? Call Audits allow you to evaluate all these things and give you valuable information on how to retrain employees that aren’t meeting company standards in regards to clarity in communicating with customers.

5. Product and Service Knowledge:  Are your employees knowledgeable about products or services that they are selling? If not, are they able to transfer calls to someone who can answer questions or direct callers to resources that might help them better understand your products or services. These are all good questions that call audits will help you evaluate whether your staff is meeting your company standards in regards to offering product and service knowledge as well as answering client questions, concerns and resolving problems.

6. Upselling: Are your employees upselling clients on different services when appropriate? If not, why?

7. Follow Up: During the call audits we may hear staff mentioning they will follow up with a client or potential client.  We will follow up with this to make sure that they did in a timely fashion.  Follow up, or lack thereof, is one of the largest customer service complaints hurting small businesses both in sales and retention.

8. Good Byes: This seems like a small issue but can be a major issue.  The end of the phone call leaves the final impression of your business.  It is important that staff ends all calls in a positive manner.  Examples are “Thank you for calling and please let us know anything else we can do to help” or “it was great hearing from you and I look forward to speaking with you again soon” or “Have a very nice weekend, it was great hearing from you and anything else you need please let me know.”.  These small gestures at the end of phone calls make a gigantic difference and many companies do not realize the value small statements can make on a potential or current client. 

There are numerous benefits of using call audits for your business.  The bottom line is it increases conversion with new clients, increases retention with current clients and generates higher revenue for your business.  It gives you actual insight into how well your staff does over the phones, how they can improve and what they need to be trained in.  Here is a list of 7 benefits for your business you should expect.  There will be more than this, but this will give you a very good idea of what to expect.

1. Increased Employee Efficiency:   Call Audits help increase employee efficiency over time by helping your employees get better at their jobs. This means you can spend less time on training, writing notes and other similar activities because you will see improvements in person over time.  This will identify their weaknesses and help you know how to train them.  Once trained, efficiency skyrockets!

2. Assists you in getting feedback from a client’s perspective:   The calls placed are made from a client’s perspective which means you will get actual insight to the interactions your clients face every day with your business.  This is very true as well if you choose to use the call recording method which would allow you to get actual feedback from real clients. 

3. Staff Performance Issues:   If you have issues with staff performance, it is best to be aware of these issues early on before they become a serious issue. This will let you know what improvements need to be made at what level of skill sets your staff needs to improve upon. It also allows you to focus more time on sales training and ensuring your current customers are happy.  Call Audits help pinpoint where training will be most beneficial for your employees which means less frustration and more profit in the long run!

4. Motivates your Employees:  When you have experts reviewing your employees, it is a great motivation tool to keep them on their toes and at their best! Of course the first time they are audited they will know nothing about it, but after the fact they will know it can happen at any time which helps motivate them to be at their best on every single call. 

5. Educates your Employees in Customer Service and Sales:  When employees are not fully trained or they do not have real world experience it can be a challenge to run a successful business, but call audits gives you a chance to evaluate their skills and ensures that all of your employees are properly trained to give a great customer service and sales focused calls.

6. Identifies Specific Training Needs for each Individual Employee:  Each employee is different and has different strengths and weaknesses meaning they all need training to reach their full potential in customer service and sales ability. If you do not evaluate their skills, there is no way to know what training they need and what will benefit them (and the business) the most.

7. Improved Client Retention:  One of the biggest benefits to call audits is how it can increase client retention and also help identify new customers who will become loyal clients to your business.

SayWhat Consulting are experts at this and can serve all your needs for Staff Call Audits.  Contact us today

The final stage of call audits are reviewing the results with the business owner and then with the employees individually.  SayWhat will first create a detailed report for each individual person along with the recorded calls in order to go over them with the business owner and with the employees if you decide that is what you want.  Some business owners prefer to do it themselves but usually a third party expert is less threatening and employees are more receptive to the advice because it does not feel like they are being scolded by their boss.  Another positive side effect of staff training is it shows the employees that you care about their growth and are willing to invest into them.  This increases employee retention.

After we create the report we will then send it to the business owner to fully review. We will then schedule a conference call to go over the details and answer any questions that the business owner might have along with the recommendations that we made in order to better train the staff.  Upon a detailed review of the report along with going over highlights from the phone calls we typically will then set up meetings with the individual employees in order to go over the results and teach them the best way to respond to the issues that they had on those certain phone calls.

If there are common issues amongst numerous employees we recommend having a group training session which goes no more than 30 minutes in order to train them on that specific issue. You have numerous options as the business owner to improve your business and this is one of the most effective ways to know how well your staff does well talking to clients..

Say What Marketing & Consulting offers numerous staff training services intended to better the day-to-day operations of your business by increasing productivity and also increasing your overall revenue.   We are experts at this and have over 20+ years of experience in business management and consulting along with marketing and lead conversion.  Contact us today to learn more about the services and pricing. 

Call Audits | The Benefits For Customers

Customers benefit the most from regular customer service and sales call audits because it improves their experience with your company. It makes your staff more efficient, your company more productive and profitable while creating a happier clientele.

When your business receives a phone call, you are looking for a few things, most importantly, a quick and easy resolution to the problem. A call audit is a review of your company’s phone operations and the quality of the experience your callers receive when interacting with your staff. An effective call audit will uncover ways to improve the process for both your employees and your customers. For example, you might find that a large percentage of callers are unable to get through to the department they need to speak to. This is a quick and easy fix that will improve the experience for both your employees and your customers. A call audit analyzes your staff’s call handling, scripts, and process, as well as the technology your team uses to manage calls, such as phone systems and call center software. A call audit can help your company identify areas for improvement, such as decreasing the amount of time it takes to resolve issues, decreasing the amount of time it takes to transfer calls to the correct department, and improving the consistency of your team’s interactions with callers. An effective call audit will help you identify ways to improve the customer service experience. You can use the information from your audit to identify problem areas and areas that need improvement, improve your customer service and reduce operating costs and enhance efficiency. A call audit will help you make improvements based on facts instead of assumptions about how your staff handles calls. A call audit can also be used as a benchmarking tool for future audits so you can track progress over time and determine if your efforts are effective at improving the customer experience. 

It provides a detailed view of every call by recording the date and time of each call, the name of the agent, and the type of customer (e.g. first time, previous client, word of mouth etc). It also records the length of each call, how often the call was abandoned, and how many times the customer was transferred. When it comes to improving the consistency of the experience, call monitoring is a key factor as it monitors the quality of your agents’ calls and provides detailed feedback on their performance. Monitoring your calls allows you to keep track of how many customers are calling, how long their calls last, and what topics they discuss. You can use this information to improve your customer service and create a more positive experience for your callers. Call monitoring gives you the ability to listen to and evaluate individual calls so that the employee that handled the call can be provided valuable feedback in improving the customer experience. Call monitoring also enables you to record the customer’s side of the conversation. This information can help determine the root cause of issues that customers are experiencing with your brand. 

Call audits are a great way to make sure that your team is following the correct protocol for customer service. Not only that, but call audits also help you to track the level of customer satisfaction throughout the team. By doing call audits, you can track the average time of calls, the average level of satisfaction, and other metrics that will help your team do better in the future. It gives you a detailed insight into how your team is handling customer calls, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and make changes to your process. You can use this data to train your team and track their progress over time. By measuring these KPIs, you can see which areas your team needs to focus on to improve their customer experience. An audit helps you to identify any areas of weakness that your team might be missing. You can then go back and train your team on how to handle these situations, or possibly even change your protocols if they are not adding value for your customers. An important thing to keep in mind is that you want to make sure that you are collecting data from every single customer interaction. Doing this will help you to keep track of every single issue and make sure that you are solving them one by one. Once you have a team dedicated to data science and business analytics, you will be amazed at how much value you can extract from your data.

They help to uncover any issues with the way your reps handle calls, and they also give your team a chance to work on their communication and customer service skills. By conducting regular call audits, you can uncover any patterns in complaints and also identify any issues with how your team is handling incoming calls. With this knowledge, you can then train your team on the best way to communicate or resolve issues during a call. Despite many business owners’ fears, employees want to know how to do their job better and more effectively because it makes their job easier in the long run and makes them more valuable employees to you. Providing training and onboarding for your employees can help with their productivity and make them feel more engaged in the company. Creating a culture of development and growth is important for retaining employees as well. When done right, call audits are an incredibly efficient way to both review your team’s practices and provide feedback to customers. Call auditing is a great way to improve your customer service and also identify trends in complaints. With call audits, you can analyze the types of questions your team asks and assist in solving the customer’s issues immediately. 

The best way to reduce callbacks and improve customer experience is to proactively identify issues with customer calls and fix them. With a good call audit program in place, you can identify these issues and quickly rectify them before they become major problems. A good call audit program should include a variety of different elements to ensure that all types of customer calls are covered and that each one receives the attention it deserves. Some call audits focus on metrics and statistics, such as the number of calls that were abandoned or the average length of time it took for a particular issue to be resolved. Others focus on qualitative analysis, such as the level of customer satisfaction with the call or the degree of knowledge demonstrated by the employee who took the call. In any case, a good call audit program should be comprehensive enough to ensure that all types of calls are covered. A primary focus should be on resolving any potential questions the customer has on the first call which is true for both sales and customer service issues. 

It’s the moment when you meet your customer and solve their problem. In the ideal scenario, first contact resolution happens as soon as you start talking to the customer. You need to ask a lot of questions to get to the bottom of their issue. This dialogue is critical to your success as a service team. It’s how you uncover the root cause of the customer’s problem and how you can solve it. By conducting regular call audits, you will identify patterns in the way your agents handle calls and see where improvements can be made to assist them in handling the customer’s requests quickly and efficiently. These audits can be as simple as keeping track of the number of calls that each agent fields every day or keeping a log of common issues that are brought up by customers and how they were addressed by your team. With this information, you can work to improve your agents’ ability to handle calls by providing additional training or addressing common issues like a lack of product knowledge that may be causing agents to frequently have to look up information during calls. The biggest benefit of conducting call audits is that you can identify which employees are struggling with their calls and provide them with additional training to improve their skills. By helping them become better at their jobs, you are also helping your customers receive better service.

Call Audits | The Benefits For Your Business

As a business owner, it is important to fully understand the interactions your staff have with your current and potential customers. Call Audits allow your business to improve customer service, prevent future customer issues, increase sales and effectively train your staff.

Call audits are reviews of phone calls that a customer makes to a business or that a business makes to customers. They can be conducted internally or by an outside vendor. The purpose is to identify any issues with the way that reps are interacting with customers. This feedback can be used to train new hires or provide coaching to current employees to improve their skills. A major benefit of call audits is the reduction in employee turnover they cause. If employees are doing their jobs poorly, it can be very frustrating, and many people quit their jobs if they cannot see a way to improve. A call audit can be the catalyst that helps a rep improve their skills, giving them a new lease on their job, and helping them to stay in the industry. Call Audits also greatly benefit your customers because they provide them with a better overall experience including a better trained and more productive staff. The best way to ensure a positive customer experience is to make sure that every phone interaction results in a positive experience. With a call audit, you can track key performance indicators like the average length of time for each call, how many calls result in dropped calls, how many calls are abandoned, how many calls are answered within a certain amount of time, and how many agents are on-shift but not actively taking calls. With over 20 years of experience with customer service, employee satisfaction and business operations we can greatly assist your business with successful call audits that directly impact your business’s profitability and customer retention. 

Call audits are in-depth analyses of customer calls made to your customer service team. They allow you to collect data on how your team members handle customer issues and complaints, track their performance, and identify ways to improve their work. When done correctly, a call audit can be a valuable tool for your team. It can help you to discover problems in your customer service process and allow you to fix them. A call audit will allow you to collect data about how each member of your team handles calls. It can be quantitative (number of calls answered per day) or qualitative (feedback from customers). The best metrics are those that are easy to track and have a significant impact on your company’s growth. For example, if your business relies heavily on inbound leads, then the percentage of calls answered within a certain time frame is a good metric to track. Call audits are a vital part of any company’s customer service and sales strategy. When done correctly, they can significantly reduce the number of complaints your business receives and increase the number of happy customers. 

By conducting an audit and collecting data to analyze, you can determine how well your call center or other operational processes are serving your customers. You can then make necessary changes to improve service, or even identify areas where you are exceeding expectations and highlight those for customers. By recording and auditing the phone calls into your business you can directly correlate the customer experience to the day-to-day operational processes your business currently has in place. By having a phone call recording software (cheap and simple to add) solution in place, you can easily review the customer experience and see what operational issues are causing friction and frustration among customers. With the ability to record phone calls, you are also able to create a verification of conversations between customer service representatives and customers. This can be helpful in many different scenarios, including when investigating an alleged false claim. With a detailed view of your customer’s experience, you can continuously optimize your product or service to deliver the best experience for your customers. Data-driven customer experience also gives you the power to respond quickly to negative reviews and complaints, and turn unhappy customers into loyal brand advocates.

The data collected through a call audit will provide a detailed view of every call that was answered by the business’s representatives. This information can be used to create training scenarios and scenarios that highlight common mistakes that were made when answering calls. With a detailed view of every call, managers can also identify trends and patterns that may exist among certain types of callers. These patterns can then be used to create scripts for the representatives tasked with answering calls. You can also use these recordings to train your new hires so they are prepared for what to expect on their first day on the job. By recording calls and giving new hires the opportunity to review them, you can help them prepare for what they will experience on their first day on the job and make sure they are ready to handle any situation that might come up. Recording calls can also help your organization measure the quality of service you are providing. By recording calls, you can review them to see where there are areas for improvement and what mistakes were made. 

Training your employees helps them to be more knowledgeable about the products or services your company offers. It also helps them to better understand your customers’ needs and expectations. By improving the knowledge and skill set of your employees, you are also helping to improve the company’s public image and reputation. This type of business intelligence allows you to track important metrics like customer satisfaction, length of time in queue, problem resolution, and more. By monitoring customer calls, you can identify trends and patterns in their behavior, which can help you improve your service and reduce churn. Call Audits gives you direct access to actual customer calls and lets you highlight the positives and negatives of those calls which allows your business to better predict and respond to possible customer issues and provide more real-world training for your employees. 

When a company performs call audits on its customer service representatives, it helps to ensure that these individuals are following the company’s best practices and procedures during each call. Call audits also help to identify training needs, and they can be used to track each representative’s performance. Most companies that use call audits also have a system in place for recording and tracking customer complaints. With these details in place, a business can be sure that it is doing everything possible to avoid customer complaints. Audits record customer interactions with company representatives to determine if there are ways to improve the process for both the customer and the company. They allow businesses to identify customer complaints and correct mistakes or flaws in the process that cause frustration. Audits are important for improving company culture and creating a positive experience for customers. By monitoring every call and recording it for future reference, the company can quickly identify any issues with the call and take steps to address them. By conducting call audits, you can ensure that your company is delivering the best customer service possible. Audits can happen at any stage of the contact process, from emails sent to customers to phone calls received.

Call auditing is the process of listening to calls to identify weaknesses and flaws, as well as areas for improvement. The main goal of call auditing is to discover how customers are engaging with your contact center, as well as how your agents are interacting with your customers. On the surface, call auditing might seem like a simple, non-essential task. However, this is far from the truth. Auditing calls enables you to gather valuable information and data points that will help you to improve the customer experience, as well as the processes in place. You can set up your audit calls with a purpose, such as to find out if your customer has received a positive experience from your company, or been treated fairly. You can also set up an audit call to find out if your staff are following company policies and procedures. When setting up an audit call, you can decide what information you would like to receive during the call. Call audits are a great way to measure the efficiency of internal procedures and to identify areas where they can be improved. Audits can be done at any level of a company, but they are especially helpful for the people on the front lines who are dealing directly with customers, such as salespeople, account managers, and customer service staff. Auditing these key functions will help identify broken or inefficient procedures, which can be fixed, as well as uncover best practices that can be implemented across the company.

Call audits for employees are initially scary because of the reality that their calls might be monitored by someone else. That would be true for anyone because everyone makes mistakes and most employees want to please their employers. Studies have shown that call audits have lower employee turnover because it has made the employees better at their job, more productive and most importantly has set realistic expectations for them from management. It has helped resolve issues at the earliest and has led to a more trusting and collaborative workplace. With the help of call audits, managers can now be more objective when evaluating their employees. It allows managers to see what their employees are doing every day, who they are helping, and how they are solving critical issues. With call audits, employees can have a better understanding of what is expected from their management and how they can improve their performance. Call audits also show employees that you are investing in resources and training to make them better at their job which means you are investing in them. Audits also help the company as a whole, as they can identify areas that need improvement which also directly benefits the employees. 

Call audits help improve customer experience with your business by providing a proactive way of monitoring your team’s performance through phone calls. With call audits, you can track things like how long it takes for your team to answer the phone, how often calls are dropped, how many people are transferred, and the quality of the questions your team asks. This is all directly related to the new client generation because happy customers leave positive feedback online, refer their friends and family and also will purchase from your business again. On the other hand, customers who are unhappy with your business will leave negative feedback, tell their friends and family to stay away from your business, and they will also not purchase from your company again. Feedback is a crucial part of every company’s marketing strategy and is an essential part of building trust in your brand. As consumers are becoming more and more brand-aware, they are also becoming more selective about the brands they choose to trust and do business with. Trustworthy brands are those that provide value to their customers, have integrity, and demonstrate a willingness to be accountable for their mistakes. Trust is something that is earned, not something that can be bought. One of the best ways to earn your customers’ trust is through honest, constructive feedback. One of the best ways to get this is by listening to your actual customers while they are talking to your employees. 

They are one of the best ways to track how your employees are performing their jobs and how they are interacting with customers. By conducting call audits, you can easily determine if your employees are following the company’s policies and procedures, as well as if they are offering excellent customer service. You can also use call audits to track the volume and length of calls. If the calls are longer than average, you can determine if there is something the employee could be doing to speed up the process. With call audits, you can also track the types of calls being made, as well as the reason for the call. If the majority of the calls are about one particular topic, you can determine if there is something the company can do to accommodate those customers. With call audits, you will be able to measure the quality of your employees’ communication skills and identify ways they can improve. You can also use call audits to make sure your employees are following company policies and procedures during calls. If you have a customer service team, you can use call audits to make sure your employees are following a script. A call audit is a detailed recording of a call between an employee and a customer. After the call, the employee will meet with a manager to review the recording. During the review, the employee and manager will discuss how the call went and determine how it could have been improved. Call audits track the performance of your employees, provide them with valuable feedback and training so they can better perform their job and set realistic long-term job expectations for employees.

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